Therapy Image Library: Coming Soon!

What's New?
You may have noticed that we've slowed down our blog posting schedule; that's because we are working on a new project! At the end of the year you will see a new section header on whereapy called, "Free Downloads."
I'm sure you've noticed the serious shortage of quality images for therapy related blogs on the net. Short of paying $500 an hour for a photographer to do your bidding, the current stock image options leave much to be desired.
To remedy that situation, we've created the Whereapy Therapy & Medical Image Archive. Drawing from our collection of antique journals, public domain illustrations and unique contemporary photos, the image library will offer free downloadable print quality image files for therapists and designers. (Also, the search feature is excellent!)
The collection covers therapies & themes relating to:
Art therapy, physical therapy, psychotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, reiki, speech therapy, career coaching, anatomy, occupational therapy, and much more.
Additionally, there will be a selection of pre-designed and editable business card, postcard and brochure templates available for download.
If you are a fine arts photographer we are looking to build up the archive with:
- high quality contemporary therapy images including people of color
- speech therapy images
- occupational therapy images
- historic engravings and medical/therapy images 100+ years old
Please donate to the archive if you can and let us know if you have any specific image requests that you would like added to the archive.
In the meantime:
You can expect the blog to start again once the image library is up and running smoothly. If there is any topic you'd like to see addressed on whereapy just contact us - or better yet, write up the post yourself!
Nov 21, 2011
About "hot topics" for the "meantime" - while the Therapy Image Library is being created: the Holidays are upon us; and every therapist I know - of all modalities - is/will be servicing clients with a high level of need in specific areas for the next six-to-eight weeks; at a minimum. Feeler: small article with intentions of assisting those therapists to stay "up" while they facilitate better days for so many "down" people - on the job; and off? Just a thought - feedback welcome! Denise
Nov 21, 2011
Great idea!